
Choosing a Retirement Destination

When most people retire, they tend to stay in the same place where they’ve spent most of their lives. But some people want a change of scenery. If you’re planning to relocate, here are some factors to consider:

  • Cost of Living. How does the new area compare to what you’re used to? Be sure to look at the cost of housing, food and entertainment.
  • Tax rates. Real estate taxes, state taxes and local sales taxes can differ significantly from one area to another.
  • Healthcare. Will you have access to the types of doctors and facilities you might need?
  • Proximity to Family. Will you be close enough to visit family or for them to come to you?
  • Job Opportunities. This could be important if you need to supplement your retirement income with a job.
  • Recreation and Cultural Activities. Does what the area offers meet your needs?
  • Public Transportation. This is important if you no longer drive and need access to nearby services like banks, grocery stores, and pharmacies.
  • The Weather. Can you adjust to a climate you’re not used to?

The best advice is to test the area out first. Spend a few months visiting before your decide to commit. This will ensure you’ve selected a place that suits your retirement budget and meets your social and recreational needs.

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