
Safe Ways to Keep Birds Away from Your Home

Birds are beautiful, but they can also be a real nuisance if they are noisy in the early morning hours or leave droppings behind. Here are some ways to safely keep birds away from your home.

  • Use scare tactics such as placing decoys on your roof or ledges in the form bird predators, like an owl. Birds will tend to avoid what appears to be a predator.
  • Spray the area where birds congregate with a liquid bird repellent that is safe for children, pets and vegetation.
  • Install bird spikes in areas where birds congregate.
  • Hang balloons, aluminum strips, bells or wind chimes that are shiny or reflective and constantly moving.
  • Install an electric squawker near the house that emits various kinds of animal calls.

Birds are very smart so remember to periodically move around any deterrent devices you may decide to use or else the birds will grow used to them.

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